Request A Prescription For Your Pet | Ash Tree Vets

Request Medication


The responsible use of veterinary medicines is crucial to animal welfare which means there are many rules and regulations (governed by UK legislation) which veterinary surgeons prescribing and dispensing medications are required to fulfil.

The policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring prescriptions every 3 to 6 months, at varying intervals (dependent on the medication). It may be the case that this appointment is due, in which case your medication request will be declined and you will be asked to schedule an appointment.

If you suspect your pet may have an infection of any kind that may require antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral medications, including topical treatments like ear drops or eye drops, even if you may have had this medication before, you will be advised that a consultation is required. This guidance has been implemented by the RCVS (our regulatory body) in order to further promote responsible prescribing practices of any medications where uncontrolled use may contribute to resistance or environmental contamination.

If you require flea and worming treatment for your pet but we have never prescribed this to you before, or we have not seen your pet for over 12 months, you may be asked to book a chargeable consultation with a vet for examination before we can prescribe this to you. If we have seen your pet recently and you are requesting flea and worming treatment that you have had from us previously, please request this in the normal manner.

Please be aware that repeat dispenses and medication requests will be available three business days after placing an order. If medication is required more urgently, please call the branch from which you require it directly.


Prescriptions are available from this practice.

You may obtain relevant veterinary medicinal products from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy.

Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe relevant veterinary medicinal products only following a clinical assessment of an animal under their care.  A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.

You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.

The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions for/supplies of relevant veterinary medicinal products every 3 to 6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances. The standard charge for a re-examination is £54.

Further information on the prices of medicines is available on request.

The charge for prescription assessment and writing is £20

Please select your practice below to order your prescription: