Dental disease is commonly seen in dogs, cats, rabbits and other species.
When your pets visit us we will routinely undergo a full clinical examination, which includes looking inside their mouths and at their teeth.
This is often when dental disease is discovered.
Pets often do not express pain in the way we expect them to and therefore dental disease often goes undetected at home and may be present for some time before it is discovered.
Some cats and dogs with dental pain may be quiet or irritable, rub or paw at their mouths, cease to groom themselves, avoid chewing hard foods or selectively eat on one side of their mouth.
Rabbits with dental disease may show signs including a decreased appetite, runny eyes, a wet chin or front legs, and a build-up of faeces around their tail.
You should always contact your vet for advice if you notice any changes that are not normal for your pet.
If you have noticed any changes in your pet’s health or believe they are unwell, please book in for an appointment.
Annual vaccination appointments include a full health check and offer a great opportunity to have your pet’s mouth and teeth checked so that any signs of dental disease can be caught early.
Below is a list of some of the common dental problems we encounter:
In between check-ups, you can help to take care of your cat or dog’s oral health by brushing their teeth regularly with a pet safe toothpaste.
If you want to learn more about how to start brushing your pet’s teeth, are having problems brushing or want any more information on how best to care for your pet’s dental health, please do contact a member of our team.